Bohreinger screen

Behringer sieve is used to separate materials. One of the biggest advantages of this type of sander compared to other sanders is the fully automatic lubrication system.

Serand design is a specialized topic that requires a lot of experience in the field of machinery production and installation. Behringer tilting machine with fully automatic lubrication system is the result of the cooperation between Machine Roll and Behringer Germany. Serand Behringer is made considering quality, efficiency, durability and ease of maintenance service.

In Behringer design Serand, the vibrating part of the device is made using a balanced and balanced axis, which is carefully installed to create a precise balance for the weight of the entire surface of the Serand, which leads to a positive and smooth performance of the material separation operation.

Easy maintenance and repair and long service life are provided by fully automatic lubrication system. The true test of a trend is its effectiveness in the workplace. Since 1970, the roll machines have always played a good role. With hundreds of active sites, you can be sure of receiving a high-quality site.